Haptic feedback can improve safety of teleoperated robots when situational awareness is limited or operators are inattentive. Standard potential field approaches increase haptic resistance as an obstacle is approached, which is desirable when the operator is unaware of the obstacle but undesirable when the movement is intentional, such as when the operator wishes to inspect or manipulate an object. This paper presents a novel haptic teleoperation framework that estimates the operator's attentiveness to dampen haptic feedback for intentional movement. A biologically-inspired attention model is developed based on computational working memory theories to integrate visual saliency estimation with spatial mapping. This model generates an attentiveness map in real-time, and the haptic rendering system generates lower haptic forces for obstacles that the operator is estimated to be aware of. Experimental results in simulation show that the proposed framework outperforms haptic teleoperation without attentiveness estimation in terms of task performance, robot safety, and user experience.
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Recent advances in deep learning have enabled us to address the curse of dimensionality (COD) by solving problems in higher dimensions. A subset of such approaches of addressing the COD has led us to solving high-dimensional PDEs. This has resulted in opening doors to solving a variety of real-world problems ranging from mathematical finance to stochastic control for industrial applications. Although feasible, these deep learning methods are still constrained by training time and memory. Tackling these shortcomings, Tensor Neural Networks (TNN) demonstrate that they can provide significant parameter savings while attaining the same accuracy as compared to the classical Dense Neural Network (DNN). In addition, we also show how TNN can be trained faster than DNN for the same accuracy. Besides TNN, we also introduce Tensor Network Initializer (TNN Init), a weight initialization scheme that leads to faster convergence with smaller variance for an equivalent parameter count as compared to a DNN. We benchmark TNN and TNN Init by applying them to solve the parabolic PDE associated with the Heston model, which is widely used in financial pricing theory.
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The ability to learn from human demonstration endows robots with the ability to automate various tasks. However, directly learning from human demonstration is challenging since the structure of the human hand can be very different from the desired robot gripper. In this work, we show that manipulation skills can be transferred from a human to a robot through the use of micro-evolutionary reinforcement learning, where a five-finger human dexterous hand robot gradually evolves into a commercial robot, while repeated interacting in a physics simulator to continuously update the policy that is first learned from human demonstration. To deal with the high dimensions of robot parameters, we propose an algorithm for multi-dimensional evolution path searching that allows joint optimization of both the robot evolution path and the policy. Through experiments on human object manipulation datasets, we show that our framework can efficiently transfer the expert human agent policy trained from human demonstrations in diverse modalities to target commercial robots.
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变形金刚已成为主要的机器学习工作负载,它们不仅是自然语言处理任务的事实上的标准,而且还将部署在其他领域,例如视觉和语音识别。许多基于变压器的应用程序都是实时系统,例如机器翻译和Web搜索。这些实时系统通常具有严格的端到端推理潜伏期需求。不幸的是,尽管大多数变压器计算都来自基质乘法,但变压器还包括几种非线性组件,它们在推理过程中倾向于成为瓶颈。在这项工作中,我们加快了张量流处理器上BERT模型的推断。通过小心地将所有非线性组件与矩阵乘法组件融合在一起,我们能够有效地利用芯片矩阵乘法单元,从而通过BERT-1通过BERT-1通过BERT-BASE,确定性的尾巴延迟为130 $ \ MU $ s,比当前的最新时间快6倍。
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众所周知,自动语音识别(ASR)系统在转录儿童的言语时会出现困难。这主要归因于没有大儿童的语音语料库来培训强大的ASR模型以及在用接受成人数据培训的系统解码儿童演讲时所产生的领域不匹配。在本文中,我们提出了多种增强能力来减轻这些问题。首先,我们根据语音源过滤器模型提出了一种数据增强技术,以缩小成人和儿童语音之间的领域差距。这使我们能够通过使这些样本在感知上与儿童的言语相似,从而利用成人语音语料库的数据可用性。其次,使用这种增强策略,我们将转移学习应用于成人数据预先训练的变压器模型。该模型遵循最近引入的XLS-R体系结构,这是对几个跨语性成人语音语料库进行预训练的WAV2VEC 2.0模型,以学习一般和强大的声学框架级表示。使用拟议的来源滤清器扭曲策略增强的成人数据来采用此模型,以实现ASR任务,并且在PF-Star英国英语儿童演讲语料库上的先前最先进的结果大大优于先前的最先进的结果官方测试集中的4.86%。
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Semantic code search is the task of retrieving a code snippet given a textual description of its functionality. Recent work has been focused on using similarity metrics between neural embeddings of text and code. However, current language models are known to struggle with longer, compositional text, and multi-step reasoning. To overcome this limitation, we propose supplementing the query sentence with a layout of its semantic structure. The semantic layout is used to break down the final reasoning decision into a series of lower-level decisions. We use a Neural Module Network architecture to implement this idea. We compare our model - NS3 (Neuro-Symbolic Semantic Search) - to a number of baselines, including state-of-the-art semantic code retrieval methods, and evaluate on two datasets - CodeSearchNet and Code Search and Question Answering. We demonstrate that our approach results in more precise code retrieval, and we study the effectiveness of our modular design when handling compositional queries.
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